p: (718) 312-2304



A. Funk Studio

A. Funk Studio is a sculpture studio located in Lake Worth, Florida. Visitors to the space will find ceramic sculptures, functional art, high quality gemstones, and boundless inspiration filling the workspace.

The butterfly garden is kept happy and healthy for the pollinators. The organic vegetable garden is thriving, and new opportunities are appearing around every corner. I look forward to sharing the fruit of all labors here!

To learn more about me, the founder of A. Funk Studio, please see my Artist Statement and photos below.

Stay current and receive updates by joining the studio Facebook page. Comments and inquiries are welcome. Please send them to afunkstudio@gmail.com. Thank you for visiting my website!


Abbey Funk - Artist Statement

I am a Conceptual artist. I create with purpose and for a reason.

Through my chosen mediums of Clay and Metal, I express emotions and ideas. I create tangible stories that are always ready to be shared, infinitely patient in their completion. I create environments. I show Truth. I intend for the viewer to Question.

As an artist, I seek constant growth and expansion. I push myself. I love the unknown. Experimentation is my answer for everything. There is beauty in creative failure and ‘mistakes’. Success is never giving up.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”- Rumi
